After the completion of the Summer School, all students will be provided with a certificate of attendance signed by the Distinguished Professor and the ASSEE Academic Director. This certificate will include their name and affiliation.
Speigner Bradley, ASSEE 2015
The summer school provided the opportunity to learn
directly from a leading contributor to an important field of econometrics. I would definitely recommend it to economists looking to upgrade their quantitative skills in a short period of time.
If you wish to receive credit for your summer school course you will need to contact either your Study Abroad Office or the office in your university that deals with external credit. We strongly advise you to do this before you apply. It is up to your home institution to decide if and how many credits can be awarded. The Organizing Committee is however happy to provide any necessary information to your registry or academic advisor, to help them to evaluate the course.
ASSEE is equivalent to one course from a graduate degree. Generally, our policy is that students participating in the summer school and successfully completing a take-home assignment can earn 4 ECTS credits. Participants should check with their home institution how the certificate will be issued.
Participants should check with their own European or Non-European institutions whether these ECTS credits are transferable. The student’s final grade will be based on the instructor’s evaluation of the performance during the afternoon labs.